Dr. Eden McCaffrey
Dr. Eden McCaffrey DME, MSW, RSW works in clinical practice, offering consultation, teaching, psycho-social assessment and treatment services. Eden has extensive training and experience in the areas of child and adolescent mental health, psychosomatic medicine, child abuse and trauma, medical education, and parenting assessments. Utilizing a variety of practice modalities, Eden offers a client centred approach, drawing upon her training in the areas of creative arts interventions, play therapy, mindfulness, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), and Trauma Focused CBT (TF-CBT) to help people to develop new skills to cope with difficulties. Eden uses empirically-supported therapeutic interventions, guided by the developmental age and interests of the client, and as such, play therapy and other hands-on activities (e.g., art) may also be incorporated into her practice. In efforts towards collaborative practice, Eden is always happy to consult with other professionals involved in the client’s life (e.g., teachers, physicians).

Treatment for a wide variety of of emotional and behavioral concerns
As a result of her cumulative training and experience, Eden is able to offer a comprehensive range of services. Eden has worked with Alberta Health Services since 2005; currently facilitating the CanREACH Pediatric Psychopharmacolgy Program to enhance mental health literacy in primary care providers. Eden founded Ascend Services in 2009, choosing to split her time between the private and public sectors. Both the Alberta Provincial Court, as well as the Court of Queens Bench, recognize Eden as a Court Appointed Expert in matters pertaining to child abuse, mental health, trauma, and parenting assessments. Eden holds contracts with various social services agencies, and is an elected Board Member of the Alberta Play Therapy Association.
In addition to her professional credentials, Eden also draws on her experience as the mother. Client’s often comment on her enthusiastic, warm, and common sense approach that enables children and parents to feel comfortable and empowered. Eden has always loved working with children and feels privileged to devote her professional, personal and volunteer time to improving the lives of children.
Overall, Dr. Eden McCaffrey strives to offer a comfortable and collaborative experience for children, adolescents and parents to help the client create a brighter path and ultimately help them to … Ascend.